


創刊號 2009年12月25日出版 總第1期 2009年第1期

理論縱橫 Theory Study

序號標 題作者
1落實“五種權力”,提高“五個能力”——民辦高校黨組織建設先進性長效機製的思考/Implementing "Five Powers" and Improving "Five Abilities"——Thoughts on Establishing Advanced Permanent Mechanism in Party Organization of Private Colleges中共上海師範大學Vsport体育平台委員會
2基於沉澱貢獻的民辦高校人才激勵製度優化途徑/Approaches towards Optimizing the Talent Incentives Scheme in Private Colleges葉才福
3論Vsport体育平台質量監督體製及“質量保障和測評體系”/Analysis on Quality Supervision System and "Quality Insurance and Testing System" of Tianhua College質監委
4獨立學院推行職業資格考證考級與學分掛鉤的思考/Analysis on Association Job Qualification Certificate with Credit System in Private Colleges吳國興

專業建設 Major Development

序號標 題作者
1努力建設適應新形勢需要的學前教育專業/Developing Pre-school Education with the Times曹炳昆
2對外漢語專業及其培養目標的科學定位/Scientific Positioning of the Development Goals of the Major of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language吳為善
3學前教育專業本科的專業課程設置的現狀調查/Analysis on the Undergraduate Course Arrangement and the Current Situation of the Major of Pre-school Education王利民

教學探索 Teaching Probing

序號標 題作者
1開放性物理演示實驗室的策劃與實踐/Design and Practice of the Open Physics Lab鐘季康等
2提高《馬克思主義基本原理》教學效果的方法論/Improving the Teaching and Learnning Performance of "Basics of Marxism"劉香連
3高師學前教育專業即興彈唱集體課程初探/A Brief Analysis on the Improvised Singing Class of the Pre-school Education嶽遠洋
4淺談三位一體模式再數控加工編程中的應用/A Brief Analysis on the Application of the Triple Operation Mode in the NC Machining Program程誌青

學術論壇 Academic Forum

序號標 題作者
1Gleason弧齒錐齒輪數字化建模及其在汽車差速器中的應用/Gleason Spiral Conic Gears Digit Model and Its Application in the Automobile Differential齊從謙等
2利用流程知識實施BPM異常監控/BPM Exception Monitoring Based on Process Knowledge陶亞雄等
3基於Web的高校人才培養可視化監控系統開發與應用研究/Research and Development to a Web-based and Visualized System in Higher Education陳佳雯等
4三維圖形渲染實驗室計算機系統選型/3D Graphics Rendering Lab's Computer System Selection徐子卿

學生管理 Students Management

序號標  題作者
1當代大學生思想政治教育的策略研究/Strategic Analysis on the Ideology and Political Education of the University Students江芳
2民辦高校大學生的心理狀況與思想特點分析/Analysis on the Psychological Status and Thinking Pattern of the Students in Private Colleges王茜
3以校本課程為支點⏩,架設德育工作立交橋/Develop Moral Education Through the School-based Curriculum齊硯奎
4“育人方法”——輔導員工作的靈魂/"The Methods of Education"--the Soul of University Counselors時書劍

精彩天華 Spotlight in Tianhua

序號標  題作者
1誌高者方能遠行——訪成功承辦2009年全國電子人才大賽的上海師範大學Vsport体育平台/Those Who Aim High Can Achieve High--an Interview of the Successful Organizer of the 2009 National Electronics Talent Composition-Tianhua College陳如實




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