


2010年3月25日出版 總第2期 2010年第1期

理論縱橫 Theory Study

序號標 題作者
1關於本科院校大學生畢業論文工作的思考/Thoughts on Graduation Thesis of Newly-established Undergraduate Colleges嚴益民
2對社會主義核心價值體系的幾點認識/Views on Core Value System of Socialism吳秒琢
3從教學Vsport的雙重視角看高校學科建設/Analysis on Academic Discipline Construction in Universities from the Dual Perspective of Teaching and Research陸文龍
4民辦高校畢業生競爭力的“生態位”初探/Ecologically Pondering over the Competitiveness of the Private Colleges Graduates王冠群
5試論民辦高校思想政治理論課的建設/Thoughts on Current Situation and Improvement of Ideological and Polotical Course in Private Colleges丁彩霞

專業建設 Major Development

序號標 題作者
1Vsport体育平台旅遊管理專業培養目標及其方向探索/Analysis on the Development Goals and Orientation of the Major of Tourism in Tianhua College朱海森
2“汽車服務工程”專業建設初探/A Brief Analysis on the Development of the Major of Automobile Service Engineering劉建房
3“創意”與“設計”——淺析“天華”藝術系專業設置方向發展/"Greation" and "Design"--A Brief Analysis on Course Arrangement and Development of Art Department in Tianhua College周江

教學探索 Teaching Probing

序號標  題作者
1探究教學法——獨立學院高等數學教學的感悟/Inquiry-based Teaching Method-Thoughts on the Advanced Mathematics Teaching in Private Colleges倪文娟
2歧義容忍度與非英語專業學生英語成績的相關性分析/Correlative Analysis of Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale and the Scores of Each Module in English Test for Non-English Majors黃飛飛
3試論鋼琴教學與學生學習心理素質培養/A Brief Analysis on Piano Teaching and the Students' Improvement of the Psychological Quality張添添
4呼吸法在歌唱教學中的意義/The Significance of Breathing in the Teaching of Vocal Music杜艷琳

學術論壇 Academic Forum

序號標  題作者
1組織激勵機製形成的演化博弈分析/Research on Evolutionary Game Theory Shaped by Incentive Mechanism郭偉奇
2基於有限生命局限的腐敗成因和對策分析/The Analysis of Causes and Countermeasures of Shortage of Limited Life for Corruption胡海鷗
3薩松戰爭詩歌的多樣性主題/On the Theme Diversity of Sassoon's War Poems萬正方
4欲識蓬萊今便是——唐天臺山道教詩中的人間仙境/It Is the Penglai That You Want to Know-The Earthly Fairyland in Taoist Poetry of Tiantai Mountain in Tang Dynasty陳再陽
5也論話語交際中的幽默策略/The Humor Strategy in Conversational Communication韋曉英

學生管理 Students Management

序號標  題作者
1從心理學角度加強大學生思想政治工作/Strengthening the Ideological and Political Education for Undergraduates from the Standpoint of Psychology沈曉燕
2民辦高校輔導員與大學生思想政治教育/University Counselors and Students' Ideological and Political Education in Private Colleges齊硯奎
3獨立學院學生思想政治教育的載體設計與創新/Carrier Design and Innovation in the Ideological and Political Education of the University Students in Private Colleges周凱波

精彩天華 Spotlight in Tianhua

序號標  題作者
1《修身苑》題記/Inscription for XIUSHEN Gallery顏炳罡
2環境育人的新探索/New Probing into the Educational Aspect of the Environment祝亞平
3天華校園標識系統設計之初探/Research on the Design of Campus Sign System of Tianhua韓聰穎

2010年6月25日出版 總第3期 2010年第2期

理論縱橫 Theory Study

序號標  題
1創新大學生思想政治教育形式 培育民辦高校大學生成人成才/Innovating Ideological and Political Education and Cultivating Students in Private Colleges中共上海師範大學Vsport体育平台委員會
2高等教育大眾化形勢下對提高考試質量的探索/A Probe into Advancing Exams' Quality in Higher Education in the Condition of Higher Education Popularization趙蘭
3獨立學院教育質量觀探析/An Analysis on the Education Quality in Independent Colleges

教學探索 Teaching Probing

序號標  題作者
1對Vsport体育“藝術教育”專業一年級美術課教學的思考/Thoughts on Art Teaching for Freshmen from Art Education Major in Tianhua馬俊營
2社會建構主義關照下的拋錨式英語課堂設計/Social Constructivism Considerations in Anchored Inseduction in English Teaching李艷艷
3淺議“任務驅動”在單片機課程教學中的應用/A Barief Analysis on the Application of "Task Drive" in MCU Teaching徐會彬
4基於知識管理的網絡實驗教學系統設計/A Study on the Design for Network Experiment Teaching System Based on Knowledge Management朱花
5“情感”式與“參與”式教學法初探/A Probe into Affective and Participative Teaching Style黃播
6試探民辦高校英語專業聽力教學方法/A Probe into Teaching Methods in English Listening Course in Independent Colleges朱凱淵

學術論壇 Academic Forum

序號標  題作者
1《機械CAD/CAM技術應用》精品課程建設的構思和實踐/Design and Practice of the Construction of Essential Curriculum--Technology Application for CAD/CAM齊從謙
2關於翻譯中“歸化”和“異化”間“度”的把握——以《傲慢與偏見》的不同譯本為例/Exploration of the Proper Use of Domestication and Foreignization in Translation萬正方
3天華交通運輸專業建設構想/Thoughts on Major Construction of Traffic Transportation in Tianhua



4古典日語敬語與現代日語敬語之比較/A Contrastive Study of Classical and Modern Japanese Honorifics全中元
5漢語文化負載詞的異化翻譯/On Foreignization of Chinese Culture-loaded Words 張雲
6從訪談節目看中日提問方式的異同/A Contrastive Study of Questioning Behavior between China and Japan臧昉
7淺談非語言性道歉行為/An Analysis of Non-verbal Apologetic Behaviors李艷艷
8現代兒童問題與兒童研究/A Study on Child Problems and Child Researches in Modern Times萬麗紅
9非接觸式IC卡讀寫器的原理與軟硬件設計/Working Principle and Application of a Contactless IC Card Read/Write chip-PicoRead RF劉偉
10以人為本在綜合交通樞紐規劃中的體現/Reflection of People-oriented Principle on the Planning of Comprehensive Transport Hub韓聰穎

學生管理 Students Management

序號標  題作者
1堅持以人為本與加強學生管理的思考/Thoughts on Adherence to People-oriented Principle in Improving the Management of Students韋曉英
2加強禮儀教育🎅🏼,促進大學生德育建設/Strengthening the Etiquette Education and Enhancing the Moral Education萬麗紅

精彩天華 Spotlight in Tianhua

序號標  題作者
1一切為了提高大學生的競爭力/All for Enhancing the Students' Competitiveness文匯報轉載

2010年9月25日出版 總第4期 2010年第3期

理論縱橫 Theory Study

序號標  題作者
1獨立院校工科專業人才培養模式的研究與實踐/Research and Practice of Training Mode for Engineering Majors in Independent Colleges



2企業內部控製理論的文獻綜述/Enterprise Literature Review of Internal Control Theory盛術俊

學術論壇 Academic Forum

序號標  題作者
1我國財政支出與經濟增長的關系:基於VAR模型的實證檢驗/Empirical Study on the Relationship between Fiscal Expenditure and Economic Growth Based on VAR System蔣亞萍
2交替傳譯筆記的實證研究/An Empirical Study on Note-Taking in Consecutive Interpreting胡雅楠
3T.S.艾略特的宗教思想初探/A Brief Study of T.S. Eliot's Religious Thoughts徐娟
4《女論語》🤾🎏:《論語》思想在唐代閨閣群體中的再現/Female Analects: the Analects Thought Reflected in the Tang Dynasty Female Population黃毅
5A Research on BPM System Based on Process Knowledge




6基於部分傳輸序列降低OFDM峰均比的改進算法/Probing into Improved Algorithm Based on Partial Transmit Sequence to Reduce OFDM PAPR



7輸送帶扣釘表面狀態與侵徹力關系的研究/Study on the Relationship of Penetrating Power and Surface State of Crampin Conveyor Band陳道炯
8半導體製冷研究概述/The Summary of Semiconductor Refrigeration Research何燕

教學研究 Teaching Research

序號標  題作者
1數字媒體藝術專業增設“虛擬現實設計”方向可行性分析/Analysis on Establishing a Direction of Virtual Reality Design in the Department of Digital Media Arts吳明道
2淺談本科生的科技創新能力/On Undergraduates' Science and Technology Innovation Ability顧媛媛
3以內外因辯證關系審視大學生形體塑造課程的重要性/Probing into the Importance of the Body Sculpting Program in University with the Relationship of the Internal and External Cause答英娟
4關於教育學專業《教學統計學》的教學思考/Reflections on Educational Statistics for the Pedagogy Majors楊艷

學生管理 Students Management

序號標  題作者
1高校輔導員應做好學生就業的導航者/College Counselor should be Students' Guider in Occupation Obtaining張璐

學生園地 Students Corner

序號標  題作者
1基於89S52單片機的多功能足療儀設計/Design of Multifunctional Foot Therapy Meter Based on 89S52 Single Chip Microcomputer



2幸福指數定量評估對上海世博會的影響力/Research on the Qualitative Assessment of Shanghai World Expo Based on Happiness Index




精彩天華 Spotlight in Tianhua

序號標  題作者
1校企合作,努力探索“工學結合”人才培養之路/A Probe into College-enterprise Cooperation and Work-based Learning

2010年12月25日出版 總第5期 2010年第4期

理論縱橫 Theory Study

序號標  題作者
1民辦高校圖書館館長工作策略論析/Analysis on the Working Tactics of Curators in Private Colleges吳國興
2民辦高校物流管理專業發展定位初探/A Preliminary Study on Positioning of Logistics Management Major in Private Colleges




學術論壇 Academic Forum

序號標  題作者
1CA8463軋輥車床的數控化改造/Numerical Control Reformation of CA8463 Roll Lathe




2板料沖壓成型中回彈控製方法的研究/Research on Bounce-controlling Method in the Stamping Process陳道炯
3存在主義的選擇意蘊及對學生工作的啟示/The Implication of Existential Choice and Its Enlightenment in the Work of the Students' Affairs張愛勤
4黻宸與《新世界學報》/Chen Fu-chen and Journal of New World齊硯奎
5多元文化背景下大學生文化價值觀的探析/Exploration of College Students' Culture Values in the Multicultural Background萬麗紅

教學探索 Teaching Probing

序號標  題作者
1高校公共音樂欣賞課教學實踐探究/An Analysis of Teaching Practice of Public Course of Music Appreciation in Colleges and Universities戴沉雁
2動機設計理論--ARCS模型在大學英語教學實踐中的應用/Application of ARCS Model of Motivational Design in College English Teaching楊艷
3高等學校“學習型組織”的構建與實施策略/An Analysis of the Construction and Implementation Strategy on Learning Organization in Higher Education汪浩


序號標  題作者
1翻譯大賽傳捷報 人才培養結碩果/Fruitful Translation Contest Enbodies Effective Talent Cultivation Methods史文
2培養青年翻譯工作者的成功舉措/Effective Measures to Cultivate Yong Translators



3Hidden Within Technology's Empire,a Republic of Letters(競賽原文)
6Simple Pleasures Nestled in the Narrow Lanes黃飛飛(譯文)

學生園地 Students Corner

序號標  題作者
1基於LM3S2110實現汽車中央控製系統/Design of Car Central Control System based on LM3S2110



2黑龍江省大豆出口現狀及其發展策略研究/The Research of Soybean Export Situation and Development Strategy in Heilongjiang Province 楊凱軒

精彩天華 Spotlight in Tianhua

序號標  題作者
1選拔退伍士官執教 確保軍訓常態化/Regular Military Training by Demobilized Soldiers





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